Achieve 6-Figure+ Revenue Growth, Rediscover Your Business Passion…

…and Say Goodbye to Overwork

You can actually achieve your financial goals, have work-life balance, and be in great mental and physical health.

I've done it and I'd like to help you do the same...

A proven way to grow your business in 2024 and beyond, without working 70+ hour work weeks.

Do you have big dreams for your business, but struggle to turn them into reality?

Or perhaps you have so many ideas swimming around your head but are unsure which ones you should pursue.

Are you feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about how to scale your business sustainably?

Or maybe you're tired of sacrificing your health, your well-being, time with your family, and your own self-care all for the sake of your business's growth?

Imagine having clarity of your goals, with the exact strategic plan for achieving them.

Imagine building the core habits that prioritize your physical, mental, and emotional health, while effectively managing stress to ensure that you thrive in both business and life.

If you're looking to organize the chaos and scale your business while maintaining balance and well-being, then we've got you covered in this 12-month Mastery Program.

Have you tried to replicate strategies or tactics used by successful entrepreneurs, only to find that they didn’t work for your business? 

The truth is that although you might face similar challenges, no two businesses are alike, nor are their founders and leaders. That’s why a cookie-cutter approach won’t cut it.

If you’re looking for the exact right steps for your business to avoid getting caught up chasing the next shiny object or jumping from one strategy or opportunity to another, you’ve come to the right place. Stop seeking the next big thing and commit to a focused, long-term plan for growth that will work for your specific business with our Real Women Real Business Mastery Program.

If you’re tired of feeling like you’re putting your business first over your health and well-being, sacrificing sleep, exercise, and downtime in pursuit of success, then it’s time to stop. Not only is this method not sustainable, but it can lead to increased stress and decreased productivity in the long run.

It’s time to get clear on your business plan and goals. Stop reacting to challenges as they arise and let’s start proactively planning for growth and success.

You’ve probably thought that being an entrepreneur meant doing it all on your own, and that can feel incredibly isolating. With the Real Women Real Business Mastery Program, not only do you get the support of a network of like-minded peers, but you also receive guidance and encouragement and real-time support from Shauna Lynn Simon, business strategist and coach and the founder of multiple highly successful businesses.

  • “The advice Shauna Lynn gave was inspirational and has motivated me to another level easing my doubts and worries.”

    – Katrina

  • “Working with Shauna Lynn has been genuinely transformative, both personally and for my business. Her proven systems have enabled me to establish a well-structured business, granting me the freedom to take time off while knowing that my team members can seamlessly keep operations running. It has truly been a game-changer!“

    – Tricia Stojke

  • “Shauna Lynn helped me prioritize what I need to work on in my business to get to where I want to go! And not only that – she gave me tools that enabled me to follow through and get real results for my business!”

    – Erika Gmeindl

Shauna Lynn Simon

Business Coach for the Busy Female Entrepreneur

Shauna Lynn Simon is your secret weapon against burnout and your guide to building the business of your dreams.

Running a business can be full of challenges, but you don’t have to face them alone.

Shauna Lynn is an award-winning entrepreneur, published author, and public speaker with over 15 yrs of experience operating multiple highly successful businesses. As a business coach, she specializes in helping you achieve your goals without sacrificing your sanity. Because let’s be real, building an empire should be exhilarating, not exhausting!

Investing in your own success can be scary,
but isn’t it time you bet on you?

Designed for the busy entrepreneur, this program covers the 12 Pillars of Business Success, from gaining clarity of your goals and business path, to crafting a marketing and pricing plan that aligns with your best clients and opportunities, to developing strategies for efficiently scaling revenues and operations with the exact right team members that you need, all without the chaos, overwhelm, and stress that you’ve been led to believe is just a part of entrepreneurship.

What You Get

✨ Pillars of Success Resource Toolkit (value $1,500)

Exclusive templates, resources, and tools to make your business life a breeze (lifetime access).

Complete Real Women Real Business Mastery Program
(value $1,995)

On-demand video training covering the 12 Pillars of Business Success, from defining your vision to mastering marketing, we've got you covered (lifetime access).

✨ 12-Month Support Package
($14,664 value) Including:

  • 24 Live Q&A Workshop sessions with Shauna Lynn to tackle your burning questions

  • Personalized Instinct Assessment & Interpretation to leverage your unique strengths.

  • 24/7 access to the Members-only Community for feedback and support.

Register Now

Choose 1 of 2 Convenient Payment Options


$1,595 USD x 3 payments

1-Time Payment
in Full

$3,995 USD
(Save $790)

The $100,000 Promise...

Follow the video trainings, complete the worksheets, ask questions during the twice-monthly coaching calls, and take action, and you will make an additional $100,000 from what you learn in the Real Women Real Business Mastery Program.

300% Money-Back Guarantee...

If you don’t add an extra $100,000 after completing all of the program’s Pillars of Business Success, getting coached in the twice-monthly calls and taking action, then we will work with you individually to help you get those results. If you still don’t get those results, then we will give you 300% of your program fee back.

(Some conditions apply)

Are You Ready to FINALLY Make More Money with Less Time?

A Note from Shauna Lynn…

Are you getting in the way of your own success?

I see this ALL the time (and as much as I hate to admit it, I've been guilty of it too). Sometimes, we get in the way of our own success. We have the best of intentions, naturally, but we follow opportunities that don't pan out, or we get distracted by something that feels "easy" rather than putting in the hard work that we need to truly achieve success.

The biggest problem with this is not just that it affects your bottom line...'s that it leads to burnout.

When you're SO BUSY doing ALL THE THINGS without stopping to actually focus on what will get you closer to your goals, you find yourself drained without much to show for it.

I want you to look back at this time next year and feel truly proud of all that you accomplished.

Women especially have a tendency to try too hard to please everyone and be everything to everyone, and our inability to say "no" can lead us to exploring opportunities and avenues that don't align with our ultimate goals.

As an expert business strategist and growth coach, I understand the woes of launching, growing, and maintaining a successful business, from day-to-day operations to staffing to marketing (oh, the marketing!!), and we can all use some support and hand-holding along the way (wouldn't it be nice to feel like you're the one being taken care of for a change?).

That's why I built this all-inclusive community of women supporting women. None of us are perfect (trust me, I've made my share of mistakes over the years), but sharing these challenges, as well as our successes and wins makes us all stronger.

You are who you surround yourself with.

I have created proven processes around the pillars of success and I share them ALL in this group program, all for a fraction of the cost of 1-on-1 coaching.

Here's what we cover:

  • Scaling your business sustainably: Delve into the core of your business and gain clarity for a vision that aligns with your values and long-term goals and set realistic and strategic goals to achieve it. A dream without action is just a dream. Our training and live calls will guide you through turning dreams into action with clear, concise templates and worksheets to create a success mindset and conquer motivation challenges.

  • Time management strategies for ultimate productivity: Master the art of priority management techniques, learn effective productivity systems, and explore tools and strategies for automating and delegating to streamline your workflow and allow you to concentrate on high-value strategic aspects of your business.

  • Marketing and pricing strategies for maximum sales growth and profitability: From nailing down your ideal client profile (and I mean REALLY nailing this down) to the psychology of pricing and strategies for price-setting to reflect your worth, to strategic market positioning and more, we spend a LOT of time on this pillar because, let's face it, but nothing else matters if you can't sell your products or services at the price that you deserve.

  • Plus SO MUCH MORE (did I mention there are 12 Pillars?)!

Register Now

Choose 1 of 2 Convenient Payment Options


$1,595 USD x 3 payments

1-Time Payment
in Full

$3,995 USD
(Save $790)

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The truth is that every person is different so, without speaking with you to review where you're at and where you want to go, we can't say for certain which would be best for you. What we can tell you is that some 1-on-1 clients have registered for the program as a compliment to what we're doing 1-on-1. This will allow us to review specific challenges and opportunities for them in our 1-on-1 sessions, while still providing all of the foundational pillars PLUS the benefit of the community through the Mastery Program.

    If you want to review your current challenges and goals with Shauna Lynn, and create a plan of action for next steps, click here to set up a 1-on-1 call with her.

  • There are 12 pillars in total - and they cover everything from creating your guiding vision to pricing to marketing, leadership and agility and everything in between. This really is the full package, covering EVERYTHING that you need for total business success.

  • Your access to the training is lifetime, so you can go back and review the modules and lessons any time you want, and you will also receive access to any future updates to the program. You will also have the option to renew the coaching aspect of the program (we're still working out the details of what the fee for this will be). This would give you another 12 months of access to our coaching calls and online community.

Still have questions?

Let's chat - book a Business Planning Session call with Shauna Lynn here to discuss your future and goals and see if this program is a good fit for you.